Kirstin Bruges Homeopathy
Journey to
Better Health
Homeopathy is effective with a wide variety of health conditions from acute to chronic long-term illness.
Homeopathy can support you with....
Emotional stress, anxiety, low self-esteem and depression
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), digestive problems
Skin conditions, psoriasis and eczema
Hormonal conditions - Endometriosis, PCOS, menopause or infertility
Men's Health and wellbeing (from urinary issues - skin conditions to depression)
Chronic fatigue (CFS) and cognitive difficulties ​

Discovery Call
FREE 20min Introductory Phone call
Your opportunity to find out more on how homeopathy can support you, and about me. I understand it’s important for you to find the right person to work with.
What to know more? get in touch -
IT is time to invest in YOU
Let's work together
for better
Let's work together
for better
My mission is for you to reach your potential
VITAL FORCE in life.
Let's undercover the roots of DIS'ease and return you back to
HEALTH together

I am a fully registered member of the Society of Homeopaths. For more information see www.homeopathy-soh.org

Kirstin Bruges RSHom, MA
Qualified and Registered professional Homeopath
Kirstin treats a wide variety of conditions, but has a special interest in autoimmune diseases, Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, gynaecological issues, and the treatment of anxiety and mental health conditions. She also specialises in gastrointestinal problems - IBS - crohn's, colitis - and allergies. She combines her extensive knowledge of Classical Homeopathy as well as up to date research in homeopathy and integrated health management in order to provide the best quality care to her patients.
Homeopathy has a huge potential to make a positive difference in all our lives, whatever physical or emotional challenges you are facing.
If you are reading this, you are probably still looking for solutions to a health problem or you may feel that your symptoms are being only temporarily relieved without a lasting resolve at a deeper layer.
What is Homeopathy?
Homeopathy is a system of natural health care that has been used worldwide for over 200 years. It puts the patient at the centre of their own healthcare. Homeopathy is a natural system of medicine that works with the body's own ability to heal itself. Homeopathy safely restores balance to the body with gentle stimulating remedies. (more info...)
Did you know...?
6 million people in the UK seek a homeopath for treatment
Homeopathic medicines are used by 450 million people worldwide
Homeopathy is the leading ‘alternative complementary’ medicine used by medical doctors in Europe
Homeopathy is the main system of medicine in India
Homeopathy is a natural form of medicine that was invented more than 200 years ago by a German doctor named Samuel Hahnemann.
The Greek word Homeopathy comes from, Homeo = same; pathos = suffering or disease.
Journey to Better Health

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Opening times -
Monday - Wednesday
9am - 4.30pm
Friday - 9am - 6pm
18 Bristo Place
Edinburgh, EH1 1EZ

Journey to Better Health
I am on a voluntary register that has been accredited by the Professional Standards Authority. This demonstrates my commitment to high professional standards, to enhancing safety and delivering a better service: www.professionalstandards.org.uk/voluntary-register